Basil Lion @ 20:30 23.04.2012Information about New WUFF hotel updated, as well as information on how to get there. Look for updates on WUFF site.
Basil Lion @ 18:00 12.04.2012Due to circumstances beyond of our control official hotel for WUFF'12 will be changed. According to the management of hotel: "due to serious damage to infrastructure of the hotel "Borysfen" it is closed for reconstruction from April 20 till May 30." No hot water in the hotel, central heating not functioning. At the moment WUFF staff tenders for contract on conducting event in other hotels of the city of Kiev and its suburbs. We will try our best to keep proposed terms and prices in the new hotel the same as in the hotel "Borysfen." We apologize for the inconvenience. Look for updates on WUFF site.
Basil Lion @ 03:30 02.04.2012WUFF'12 payment system is on-line. We were forced to engage less comfortable backup payment processing system (LiqPay) due to reasons of legal matter from bank side. We apologize for the inconvenience and for the considerable delay.
Basil Lion @ 22:46 30.03.2012WUFF'12 Prices and Conditions grid created according to member requests.
Basil Lion @ 11:35 15.03.2012Updated WUFF'12 Schedule. Schedule is subject to change, look for updates on site.
Basil Lion @ 21:00 29.02.2012Activation of on-line payment system is posponed till 7 March. This is due to delay getting documents from pension fund, requested by the bank. We understand that you were waiting for this date, and doing our best to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Basil Lion @ 08:23 29.02.2012We are expecting on-line payments system to be activated from 1 March. We are doing our best to do so, but we have limited control over this. No reasons to panic, there is still a lot of time ahead till payment deadline - 31 March 2012.
Basil Lion @ 04:41 17.02.2012Carefully checking over a dozen of hotels "Borysfen" was selected for conducting WUFF. Hotel and acommodation price details are here.
Basil Lion @ 00:00 01.02.2012WUFF'12 registration is open!
By participating in WUFF participant agrees to abide by the WUFF rules and take full responsibility for their actions.
The organizers guarantee to member provisioning of WUFF services paid by the member.
The organizers reserve the right to refuse participation in WUFF without explanation of reasons.